CYPF Consortium Strategic Coordinator
Ashley Leggott
Ashley brings members together and represents the Consortium to support it’s mission, vision and strategic aims to become a reality. This involves facilitating and coordinating consortium activity, providing 1-1 support to members and building and maintaining links between members, the Consortium, wider VCS and key partners. Ashley also leads on developing and maximising on joint-funding opportunities which adopt our collaborative consortia approach. Through strategic representation, Ashley amplifies the voice of the Consortium, its members and their service users in local planning and governance structures in order to inform and contribute to the wider children, young people and families agenda.
CYPF Consortium Admin Officer
Andrew Wilson
Andrew works alongside the Consortium Strategic Coordinator to ensure the Consortium has effective administration, finance and governance. This involves organising and minuting meetings, monitoring our quality assurance processes and sharing sector relevant information through our weekly news email.
Smiles for Miles Base Project Coordinator
Zoe Cartwright-Harrison
Zoe works alongside the Consortium Strategic Coordinator to manage and coordinate the Smiles for Miles Base Project. This involves supporting delivery partners to work collaboratively, monitor and report on their progress against service level agreements and maximise on opportunities to produce high quality outcomes for children and young people.
CYPF Consortium Board of Trustees
Joanna Jones | GROW |
Rachael Wilson | RUSH House |
Helen Littlewood | Clifton Learning Partnership |
Sam Oldroyd | JADE Youth and Community |
David Plumtree | Voluntary Action Rotherham |
Tracy Gollins | YWCA Yorkshire |
Duncan Pearse | Northpoint Wellbeing |